BritCham Charity Fund
The British Chamber of Commerce in Latvia has been supporting different charity projects since its founding in 1996 and continues to do so. To bring Charitable activities to higher level, in December 2015 BritCham established the BritCham Charity Fund and on 8 July 2016 the State Revenue Service granted it Public Benefit Organization Status.
The BritCham Charity Fund’s prime focus is to support orphanages and crisis centres for children - youngsters from age 0 to 20 who have lost their parents or supporters, have suffered from physical and emotional violence in Latvia - especially those in the regions of Latvia which are financially distressed.
For those wishing to donate to our charity, the relevant details are:
"BritCham Labdarības fonds"
Registration No: 40008245477
IBAN: LV19HABA0551041265900
Swedbank | Swift Code: HABALV22
To apply for support from the BritCham Charity Fund, please fill in online application form (in English).
Lai pieteiktos BritCham Labdarības fonda atbalstam, lūdzu, aizpildiet online pieteikuma formu (latviešu valodā).
For further enquiries please contact the Fund by email or phone 26112259.