BritCham Membership Levels and Benefits

Membership levels, descriptions and annual subscriptions:

Diamond |
Platinum |
Corporate Plus |
Corporate |

Membership benefits:

Standard benefits (applicable to all levels) |
Corporate Plus benefits |
Platinum benefits


EUR 5000 per annum

The Diamond Membership is BritCham Latvia’s most exclusive level, limited to companies that make a positive impact on the business landscape in Latvia and/or the UK. This membership tier offers unparalleled benefits, designed to provide maximum exposure, influence, and access within the BritCham network and beyond.


EUR 2000 per annum
Exclusive, limited number membership.

Oriented to market and opinion leaders, companies influencing and shaping the business environments in Latvia and/or UK. Subject to availability and Board approval.


EUR 1250 per annum
Leading company membership designed to raise your corporate profile as industry leaders.


Corporate Standard EUR 825 per annum

For companies which wish to make new contacts, raise profile, gain visibility and drive business success.

Corporate Overseas EUR 350 per annum

For entities that have no place of business in Latvia.

Corporate Start-ups EUR 350 per annum

For companies established during the current or previous year. This status is granted for no more than 2 years.

Not-for-profit EUR 350 per annum

Open to all not-for-profit organisations formally recognised under the laws of Latvia or UK. This is subject to Board approval.


BritCham Standard Benefits are automatically available to all BritCham members and provide them with opportunities to build networks, establish new business contacts and drive business success:

  • Opportunity to attend members’ only events and to be granted members’ preference regarding attendance at “Business after Hours” and similar functions;
  • Chance to be present at all BritCham organised events, seminars and dinners at a special members’ reduced rate and with automatic preference in the event of over-booking;
  • Access to joint chamber events with opportunity to meet representatives of the most active Chambers of Commerce in Latvia;
  • Opportunity to become involved in and contribute to the Chamber’s day-to-day activities through taking part in BritCham Committees, voting at Members’ meetings (including the Annual General Meeting) and standing for the Board. Only BritCham members may serve on the Board.


In addition to all standard benefits, Corporate Plus level members are additionally entitled to the following additional benefits:

  • Privileged access and seating at BritCham organised events, seminars and dinners;
  • Two complimentary invitations to BritCham’s Season Opening event;
  • Two complimentary invitations to BritCham’s Season Closing event;
  • Opportunity to present a new product or service at any BritCham members’ only event during the networking session;
  • Opportunity to use BritCham weekly newsletter once a month for promotional opportunities free of charge;
  • Extended company profile with logotype listed on BritCham website;
  • Availability of reduced subscription by virtue of taking out Corporate Group Membership.


Platinum is an exclusive limited number membership and is granted solely by decision of the Board to market and opinion leaders, companies which influence and shape the business environment in Latvia and/or U.K.

  • High Table seating at all BritCham events (where available and appropriate);
  • Three complimentary invitations to BritCham’s Season Opening event;
  • Three complimentary invitations to BritCham’s Season Closing event;
  • Advance (24 hour) notice of the announcement of all BritCham events to enable reservations to be made;
  • Opportunity to choose a speaker for one of BritCham’s events;
  • Opportunity to submit valued contributions to the BritCham’s agenda and regular access to the BritCham’s Management Board;
  • Company logo (linked to your homepage) on the front page of our website;
  • Company logo on a BritCham Banner displayed at all BritCham and joint events;
  • Extended company profile with logotype listed on BritCham website;
  • Opportunity to use without limit any BritCham weekly newsletter for promotional opportunities free of charge.


Individual EUR 275 per annum

Open to individuals.

Students EUR 30 per annum

Open to full-time students. Subject to Board approval annually.